March 31, 2011

My first Etsy front page and sales!

Yesterday was quite a day on Etsy! I checked in before going to bed, and did not quite recognize it at first. It turns out one of the beautiful treasuries I have been featured in lately landed on the front page! Huzzah!! This lead to a stampede of visitors to my little shop - over 3000 (!!!!!) whereas I usually have about 10! Lots and lots of emails, hearts and a general flurry of activity. And, I also made my first two sales!! All very exiting, and a little bit overwhelming almost.

So this weekend will be spent making more inventory, taking pictures of what I have already, looking into getting business cards made...basically all the stuff I should have done weeks ago. But how fun!


  1. Whoa, that sure was a huge influx of viewers, and it's pretty overwhelming, but you'll get used to it as time goes by. By the way, if you treat your two customers really well, they'll surely return with more clients at hand, which can lead to a stable growth. ;)

  2. Hi Bea,

    I've tried finding your contact details, but without luck... I'm interested in buying some of your stuff! So, I hope you see this - please contact me here:

    Best regards


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